Showing 55–57 of 57 results

Blue Monday 180g

  Blue Monday – Made by Alex James in Yorkshire This is a rich pasteurised, sophisticated blue cows milk cheese created by Alex James, former band member of Blur, turned cheesemaker. Blue Monday has a faintly sweet, intensely savoury, spicy and rich complex flavour. The cheese has bold cracks and blue streaks with a thin natural rind.  

West Country Buffalo Mozzarella

Raw Milk Water Buffalo Mozzarella, traditionally hand made in Somerset using the pasta filata method. The buffalo are reared on the farm by Jonathan Corpe and his amazing team. After the  early morning milking the buffalo milk is gently added to the vat. Starter cultures are added. A little later a vegetarian rennet is added. After the curd has set, it is cut. When the curd is ready it is taken from the vat and placed on the curd table. When ready the fresh curd is added to 90 degrees of hot water in a large round drum. The curd is then spun by and stretched by hand, a little like making dough. The method used here is of course Pasta Filata. Once the curd has formed the right stretchy, glossy consistency it is placed in to the baller. The balls of freshly made mozzarella are hand brined for roughly 90 minutes. Then they are taken out and placed into a storing solution ready to be served. Jonathan’s mozzarella tastes citrusy and creamy with sour cream and grassy somewhat yogurty notes. It is quite frankly sublime. We collect the mozzarella directly sometimes waiting for it to be finished! That’s how fresh No2’s mozzarella is. To find mozzarella this good you would have to travel to Italy. Our Italian customers also agree with this which is surely testimony to Jonathan Corpe’s hard work in producing proper raw milk buffalo mozzarella on his farm.

Bespoke Cake of Cheese

Bespoke packages available

If you are entertaining, whatever the occasion, you and your guests will love to dive into one of our bespoke cake of cheese creations.  We believe that every cake of cheese is as individual as the person commissioning it, so rather than a ‘from the fridge’ solution, we would rather invite you in for a tasting.  This allows you to hand pick your cheeses and talk through your ideas so that we create the perfect cake for your event.  To learn more please complete this enquiry form and one of our dedicated team will be in touch shortly. In the meanwhile please follow this link to view an album of our cakes of cheese, click here.